
Properties & methods

String.serializeAttributes( )
Serialize the given parameter to valid HTML attributes
String#after( )
Return the string after the given needle
String#afterLast( )
Return the string after the last occurence of the given needle
String#before( )
Return the string before the given needle
String#beforeLast( )
Return the string before the last occurence of the given needle
String#camelize( )
Lower case underscored words will be returned in camel case. Additionally '/' is translated to '::'
String#capitalize( )
Return the string with only the first letter being uppercased
String#dasherize( )
Replace spaces or underscores with dashes
String#ordinalize( )
Renders all found numbers their sequence
String#pluralize( )
Pluralize a string
String#singularize( )
Singularize a string
String#slug( )
Sluggify the string
String#stripTags( )
Remove HTML tags from the string
String#titleize( )
Capitalizes words as you would for a book title
String#underscore( )
Camelized strings will be returned in underscored format